
2024年3月15日—YoucanusetheNetUse*/deletecommandtodisconnectactiveorrememberedsharedresourcesonalocalcomputer....Youcanusethiscommandon ...,IMPORTANT:Thenetuse/deletecommandonlyworksfordrivemappingsthathavealetterassigned.Itdoesn'tworkfornetworklocationmappingssuchasFTP ...,Openacommandpromptbyeither:ClickStart>Programs>Accessories>Commandprompt·TypenetuseandpressentertoviewyouractiveS...

Guidance for troubleshooting SMB

2024年3月15日 — You can use the Net Use * /delete command to disconnect active or remembered shared resources on a local computer. ... You can use this command on ...

How to delete a mapped network drive from Windows (5 ways)

IMPORTANT: The net use /delete command only works for drive mappings that have a letter assigned. It doesn't work for network location mappings such as FTP ...

How to Disconnect from a Server or File Share

Open a command prompt by either: Click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command prompt · Type net use and press enter to view your active SMB connections.

Net Use Delete

2022年4月7日 — Delete network connections with the Net Use Delete command. Delete all network connections silently with the force option.

Windows掛載、刪除網路磁碟net use指令

2017年10月24日 — 觀察目前網路磁碟使用狀態 首先先介紹在windows的命令提示字元輸入: net use 可以印出你目前有登入過,或是掛載的遠端資料夾,如下圖: 掛載網路資料夾

[ cmd ] Windows 網芳net use command 指令

... net use X: /delete. 或是針對某ip 中斷也可以,兩種寫法皆可 net use - /delete net use /delete - 手動掛載網路磁碟機相信不難,但windows ...

[ Windows Command ]Use the NET USE DELETE ...

[ Windows Command ]Use the NET USE /DELETE command to remove a mapped drive - windows_cmd.


2020年9月21日 — Delete the Windows Samba account connection.. “[雜記]刪除Windows網路磁碟認證&連線資訊” is published by Lau Dai He.


2024年3月17日 — Windows Core:若要獲得更好的效能和穩定性,請更新Windows Core。 中斷所有共享資源與本機計算機的連線. 您可以使用 Net Use * /delete 命令中斷本 ...